For those of you who subscribe to that hypothesis that only the even added up Trek movies are fine, you may be defeated by Nemesis. Does that get in a bad film? No. But I wouldn't range it above the better either.
In Nemesis, Picard and his crew fight and all new villain in the form of Shinzan, a broody, evil human with Earth domination on his thinker. Actually, Shinzan has other plans as well. One in particular, implies Picard, in what should be a surprisal in the film's plot, but it's not thanks to Paramount's all too exposing marketing campaign.
Director Rick Berman decided it was time that the dealership get some new blood, so he hired John Logan (Gladiator screenwriter and longtime Trek fan) to write, and Stuart Baird (U.S. Marshalls) to directly, hoping that the creative squad might break barriers and bring a fresh take on Star Trek. Surely, Nemesis has an interesting premise, but the execution is all wrong, and this film doesn't sustain any kind of rhythm.
Logan is patently a fan of Trek, for followers of the franchise will notice key similarities between this picture and the fantastic Wrath of Khan. Look still closer and you'll also see conspicuous shades of Star Wars (a key scene between Picard and Khan echoes a minute between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.) I would have been fine with all of this if Nemesis would have gone anyplace, but unfortunately, this film feels like a build up without a worthy payoff.
Most of the mainstream critics across the country are quick to point out that Nemesis depicts an outdated view of the future. That there's naught high tech or original about the look of the film. Well, conversancy is something that Trek fans have come to know and love, and I had perfectly no problem with look of Nemesis. I had a trouble with it's tone and convoluted structure. This is to say nothing of the lack of comradarie amongst the cast. This tenth episode is the Picard and Data demonstrate, giving very little for the rest of the cast to do. I can see why some of the Trek regulars were skeptical about reprising their roles.
Patrick Stewart is perfectly fantastic. No one can recite bad dialogue best then him, and he looks to be having a fun time in the action views as well. In Nemesis, he appears really comfortable in the captain's shoes and even has an chance to be a little lighter in nature. Brent Spiner is also great as the loveable android Data, and is given a chance to play two roles. Well, sort of. You'll see what I'm talking about when you see the movie. Tom Hardy is both delightfully baleful and sympathetic as Shinzon, and the chemistry between he and Stewart is perfect. In fact, it is the minutes in which these 2 actors share the screen, that Nemesis really comes alive.
When expected, Star Trek: Nemesis is heavy in the especial effects section, and most of the visuals here are impressive. However, if you've seen the trailer for this film, then you've seen the big set pieces already. There is a collision sequence that is quite spectacular, but once more, they show it in the trailer. The movie doesn't have much more to offer except for some splendid word play between Stewart and Hardy.
What's most dispiriting about Star Trek: Nemesis, are the fact that these very well could be the finally Next Generation big screen gamble. If it is, it's decidedly a low note to go out on. I desire this movie makes up a lot of money if for no other reason, than to see Star Trek 11 get made so that our brave crew might go out with a bang in a story that includes Q, possibly. Why they have yet to used this creative character in one of the films is beyond me.
Movie review